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Million Pixel DFI

Buy DMC pixels for ads.


Million Pixel DFI

You will get a piece of DeFi Meta Chain history!

The main use case is online advertising and fun. You can purchase pixels for displaying images (for example, your company or project logo) with a link to your website. Your purchased advertising will be stored in a smart contract on the DeFi Meta Chain and will remain there as long as the DeFi Meta Chain exists, which is essentially forever.

In addition, with your purchase, you also support the community by burning 🔥 40% of the tokens.


Profile picture of Aral



How to Buy Pixels on Million Pixel DFI

Buy pixels, set link, upload image – step-by-step guide.

Cartoon drawing of Peddy and 0ptim standing next to each other.

Made with ❤️ by @peddy and @0ptim
